共绘新蓝图!山推全球合作火伴年夜会(墨西哥)美满闭幕 www.6300.net 2024-08-22中国工程机械信息网 本地时候8月18日,山东重工团体全球合作火伴年夜会在墨西哥城正式拉开帷幕。作为团体年夜会的主要构成部门,山推全球合作火伴年夜会(墨西哥)如期进行,与美洲的合作火伴会聚一堂,深切切磋了行业趋向与合作新机缘。 On August 18, Shandong Heavy Industry Group Global Partners' Conference officially kicked off in Mexico City. As an important part of the group conference, Shantui Global Partners' Conference (Mexico) was held as scheduled, with partners from the Americas gathering together to discuss industry trends and new opportunities for cooperation. 年夜会时代,山推许点介绍了聪明施工解决方案的系列产物。面临全球工程机械行业的快速变化,山推致力在经由过程手艺立异,晋升施工效力,引领产物向智能化、绿色化标的目的成长 During the conference, Shantui focused on introducing a series products of smart construction solutions. In the face of the rapid changes in the global construction machinery industry, Shantui is committed to improving construction efficiency through technological innovation and leading products to develop in the direction of intelligence and sustainability 在新产物展现区,山推精心研发的一系列新品成为全场核心。SE390LCW发掘机、LE60-X3纯电装载机、SBH388T发掘装载机、DH36-C6推土机等悉数表态。这些产物凭仗超卓的机能和手艺优势,博得了普遍好评,为山推的全球合作火伴供给了更多高质量的选择。 In the new product display area, a series of Shantui new products became the focus on scene. SE390LCW excavator, LE60-X3 electric loader, SBH388T backhoe loader, DH36-C6 bulldozer, etc were all on display. These new products have won wide acclaim with their excellent performance and technical advantages, which could provide more high-quality choices for Shantui's global partners. 分会现场,山推与全球合作火伴同聚,配合领会山推系列产物的出色优势,并侧重介绍了专为美洲市场精心打造的焦点产物亮点。在随后的互动问答环节里,山推团队以专业且耐烦的立场为客户们详实解答,让客户火伴们深入感触感染到了山推产物的怪异与立异,和山推为美洲市场全方位完美产物办事的贴心。 At the branch meeting, Shantui and its distinguished customers gathered together to deeply analyze the outstanding advantages of Shantui's product series and focus on introducing the highlights of core products specially designed for the American market. In the subsequent interactive Q A session, the Shantui team answered customers' questions in detail with a professional and patient attitude, allowing customers to deeply appreciate the uniqueness and innovation of Shantui products半岛体育, as well as Shantui's attentiveness in creating all-round product services for the American market. 此次全球合作火伴年夜会的召开,不但果断了山推与全球火伴合作的决定信念,也为后续合作成长指了然标的目的。将来,山推将联袂全球合作火伴,不竭晋升研发能力、产物品质和办事质量,配合为客户缔造价值,实现双赢成长! Shantui global partners' conference (Mexico) has strengthened the confidence of partners and pointed out the direction for subsequent cooperation and development. In the future, Shantui will work with global partners to continuously improve R D capabilities, product and service quality, jointly create value for customers, and achieve the win-win development!